Diane offers occasional workshops, ceremonies, rituals, and circle gatherings open to anyone interested in participating.
Courageously Crossing
a Threshold
A two-session interactive virtual gathering
Session One: January 30; 4-5:30pm PST
Session Two: February 6; 4-5:30pm PST
Thresholds are places of crossing into something new. They may be literal, physical changes. They may also be internal; changing our ways of being. We may receive the invitation to cross a threshold in subtle ways; at other times the call feels like a roar.
Crossings require courage. If you are seeking clarity about a transition, these reflective sessions can assist you in finding the way forward.
Resistance as a
Spiritual Practice
A two-session interactive virtual gathering
Session One: February 12; 5-6:30pm PST
Session Two: F ebruary 19; 5-6:30pm PST
Resistance is the ability to refuse to participate in ways of being that weaken your humanity and the humanity of others. It is both a personal and collective process.
We strengthen ourselves to be better able to resist societal systems that create harm to ourselves and our communities. This calls for a deepened spirituality that nurtures our inner strength and wisdom to create liberation.
These sessions build on one another and offer self-reflection, individual and collective strategies for resistance, and an opportunity to chart a path aligned with your values.