It all starts with a conversation
Interested in working with Diane? Reach out for a complimentary 20-minute call. Diane will answer your questions, ask some of her own, and take the time needed to decide what working together could look like.
How It Works
In-person gatherings happen in the greater Seattle area or in other parts of the country with additional travel expenses.
Initially meeting in person followed by virtual gatherings and a final gathering in person can work well.
Race work is most effective and accountable when done over an extended period of time. Coaching and affinity groups may be once a month; organizational trainings over a period of days, months, or years. Racial Healing circles tend to meet weekly or bi-weekly.
Spirituality Companionship is usually monthly and virtual. An initial visit in person is helpful but not required. Other offerings vary seasonally.
Spiritual companionship sessions are offered on a sliding scale of $75-125/hr.
Workshops are discounted by 20% for those identifying as Black, Indigenous, People of Color.
Coaching fees are discussed in the initial discovery call, reflecting the scope of the work. Pre-arranged multiple sessions may be discounted. Payment is due at the time of service.
I contract with organization and groups for Circles of Care, Affinity Groups, Racial Healing Circles and Group Rituals. My fee varies depending on the length of sessions, size of group, and budget of organization.
The costs of privately arranged rituals will vary depending on a variety of factors we can discuss.
Organizational race work costs vary depending on the needs, size of group, the scope of work, number of facilitators, and the length of commitment. After an initial query call, I propose a draft with costs for your review. The organization is invoiced after the event occurs. Contact me if you would like to know more about the range of costs.
I give 15% of my earnings from racial justice work to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities and organizations. My distribution includes giving at the interpersonal level and to organizations regionally and nationally. Here’s a selection of who I’ve contributed to over the years:
The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond
Real Rent Duwamish
La Casa Hogar
Candidates of Color for elective offices in local, regional and national settings.
Repairers of the Breach - Poor People’s Campaign
National Center for Human and Civil Rights
I recognize that communities of color have been historically and strategically disenfranchised, marginalized, and harmed while white communities have been strategically centered, uplifted and supported.
My giving is one action towards repair. I invite other white people to join with me in these actions.
“If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. If you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.
Lilla Watson
Aboriginal elder, activist and educator from Queensland, AUS