Deepen Your Spirituality

Multiple ways to engage meaning-making into all the facets of your life. Individual and group processes to respond to your longings for connection to self, others and what you hold as Sacred.

Spiritual Companionship

Circles of Care

Rituals for Renewal

Spiritual Companionship

A companion to walk with side by side as you explore a closer relationship to what is meaningful and sacred to you.

Working with a Spiritual Companion is a process of discovery. What is a spiritual life for you? How is what you name as Sacred and Holy calling to you in your daily life? What do you do when you feel disconnected or disillusioned with that?

During sessions, the Spiritual Companion guides the conversation with deep listening, respect, and care, asking meaningful questions and inviting you to try helpful spiritual practices. You will discover and deepen what speaks to your soul and decide how you want to respond.

These may be accessed in sessions:

  • Multiple prayer styles from a diversity of traditions

  • Artistic play and imaginative use of imagery

  • Journaling

  • Poetry, music, and stories

  • Body awareness and movement

There are multiple paths to what people consider Sacred. Whether responding to a specific transition or crisis in your life or wanting an ongoing way to deepen your spiritual focus, this is a supportive and encouraging place for you.

My profile about my work as a spiritual companion: Spiritual Directors International


  • In-person and virtual sessions available.

  • Sessions are typically once a month for an hour

  • More on How It Works

Circles of Care

Using a Circle process to gain insight into the multiple ways we experience impacts in our lives.

In a reflective type of workshop, we gather in a circle to better understand and respond to themes present in our lives. Information is shared and hands on activities may occur followed by reflective questions posed by the Circle Keeper. A talking piece is passed around the circle and each person has an opportunity to respond uninterrupted. Clarity and meaning come in unexpected ways as we give voice to what we’re thinking and feeling. As we hear other people’s stories, we gain wisdom and insight that help us make sense of things in our own lives.

Circles are initiated by Sophiasongs and also by specific requests. Circles of Care can be used for:

  • Transitions: Loss and grief, relationship changes, aging, career/job changes.

  • Spiritual Topics: spirituality & justice, Celtic spirituality, sabbath practices, finding joy, cultivating courage, expanding our images of the Sacred, befriending our bodies.

  • Processing challenges: Engaging conflict, seeking consensus on a difficult decision, restorative justice when harm has occurred.


  • Circles happen in single and multiple session formats of 1.5-2 hours and as half-day and full-day retreats. Generally 8-15 participants.

  • More on How It Works

Diane Schmitz has been a wise, deeply caring and creative spiritual guide for me both personally and as part of a women’s group that she created and has led for many years.

I appreciate Diane’s remarkable talent at using a variety of ways to support and help others create a more meaningful spiritual life, including the creative arts, body awareness, grief support, contemplation, rituals and healing in nature.

Diane has been an amazing gift to me and to many others.
— Mary Jeanne Phipps, Therapist & Spiritual Director

Rituals for Renewal

There is value in intentionally marking life's transitions as a way to integrate what is happening externally in our lives with the impact and changes occuring internally.

Spiritual rituals are a focused set of actions and words that create a physical and emotional environment of openness, presence, and gratitude around a specific intention. Participating in a ritual deepens your sense of connection and meaning to what matters to you.

Rituals can be intentional focus on areas such as:

  • Transitions: Loss and grief, aging, shifts in relationships or work

  • Seasonal: Cycle changes in nature, religious and pagan holidays, cultural celebrations.

  • Celebrations: A new birth, a new partnering, a significant birthday or new home blessing.


  • The preferred format for rituals is in-person

  • Sophiasongs creates rituals for the public and co-creates private rituals as requested

  • More on How It Works