Engaging Spirituality and Racial Justice
to Heal Ourselves and Our Communities
Diane S. Schmitz
Justice seeker
Racial equity consultant
Bridge walker
Spiritual companion
Forest dweller
Create meaningful change at the individual and collective levels.
One-on-one sessions, group workshops, and rituals to bring more meaning and clarity to your life.
Racial equity training, consulting and coaching for individuals, organizations and communities
Bridging Spirituality
and Justice
As a young child, I vividly remember sitting in a wooden chair on our front porch in Portland, Oregon in a yellow rain slicker and boots. The rain fell steadily from a dark gray sky onto the trellissed roses and soaked the grass. All of my senses engaged in a sacred experience of something mystical and loving that was calling my spirit.
Even more vividly, I remember a week-long race immersion experience where, for the first time in my life, I heard the question “What does it mean to be white?” I didn’t know how to answer it. I was beginning my doctoral program. I had years of “stellar” educational experiences. I had been socialized in a system that wanted me to think race was about other people and had nothing to do with me. My world went spinning.
As I wrestled with my identity, impact, and years of white segregation, it was more than an intellectual journey. My spirituality gave me courage and the commitment to be confused, angry, remorseful and to actively show up in the world more racially conscious and active in interrupting and dismantling racism.
Integrating justice and spirituality deepens our capacity for change, as individuals, communities and organizations. I welcome you wherever you are on your lifelong journey of becoming.
Working with MacLeod & Schmitz Racial Equity Training & Consulting, was an incredible honor and a real joy! Their DEI & Trauma Informed Care training presentation was delivered to our staff in a powerful and comprehensive way with such care. This has enabled BRAVO Youth Orchestras to live out its core values in our work with the students' families and communities we serve.
Cinda Jackson
BRAVO Director of Programs
Some Testimonials
As a denominational leader who has served in multiple settings, a main stay in each of those settings has been to contract with Rev. Dr. Schmitz. I am assured she will bring thoughtful, engaging and relevant connection that helps folks bridge their spirituality with a sense of racial justice commitment and challenge. If you have the choice of a facilitator, guide, or partner on that journey, I would choose her over and over again.
Rev. Darrell Goodwin,
Executive Conference Minister of the Southern New England Conference,
United Church of Christ
Some Clients
Why Sophiasongs?
Sophia (Greek for Wisdom) is found in Hellenistic philosophy and multiple religions. She provides an entry way into a prophetic and holistic imagination for the integration of spirituality and justice in our lives.
Sophia is not a quiet or compliant voice. She calls out in the street; she raises her voice in the public squares. She cries out above the commotion at the city gates. She has things to say, is a presence to be reckoned with and a voice crying out for justice. This voice is one sorely needed in these times and we all can be a channel for it.